by admin | Feb 17, 2016 | Blog
When I was a teenager growing up in good old Blighty in the 70s & 80s, it used to be said whatever happened in the USA would find its way over to us sooner or later: fashion, musical genres, the weather and, of course, new technology – although to be fair,...
by admin | Nov 19, 2015 | Blog
In a world where everyone wants everything for free and prices are continually being slashed, why would you even consider or want to pay more? I’ve owned a small business and worked for a couple of SMEs in my time so I can really appreciate the need to save...
by admin | Nov 13, 2015 | Blog
The other day I was having dinner with a friend and our partners, and we were discussing work. My friend piped up about an IT project that is going wrong and how many millions his company had invested in the project… I promptly told him that the solution was all...
by admin | Oct 29, 2015 | Blog
Is it really true that there is no high speed Internet in your area? Working for a cloud computing company that offers high speed Internet, I am often out with friends or meeting with customers when I hear the sentence, “Oh, we can’t get high speed Internet in our...
by admin | Feb 2, 2015 | Blog
Nokia, the mobile phone brand now owned by Microsoft, recently asked Lowndon, maker of the HERE for iPhone app, to rebrand its application or face legal action. In one regard, and it is a very important one, I fully understand why. For a start, the ‘passing...
by admin | Aug 6, 2014 | Blog
Once you reach fifty, there is a tendency to join that group affectionately known as ‘Grumpy Old Men’. Well today I have joined them and I want to get some stuff off my chest! There is an old saying along the lines of “…money is attracted to...